Becoming a female escort is one of the decisions contemplated by many women. You might choose to keep it as a secret from your family and friends. Many women will however keep calling and emailing requesting to join your agency.

    Majority of them end-up not joining while some of those who join leave it after a short time. Many independent escorts are in this profession with a single goal of making money. Once this is achieved, they quit.

    However, there are several points you need to consider before setting out to being an escort.

    1.       Evaluate how ready you are to be in this business.

    You need to take time with yourself and seek to understand how ready you are for the business. Many female escorts start over but after two or three incidences they pull out due to lack of confidence. This is a very personal decision and no one can make it for you.

    2.       Set a time limit

     Once you set your foot into it, it’s wise to decide the period of time you need to be an escort. If the set time elapses and you are still willing to continue, sit down with yourself and set another timeline. Setting timelines helps you track your progress.

    3.       Choose between working under an agency or being an independent escort

    There are two ways of starting up as an escort, choosing to be an independent agent or working under an agency. When working for an escort agency, you might have little power of choice but if working as an independent escort, you are in control.

    There are different escort agencies in Chennai with different rules and ethics. When choosing an agency, ensure you get one that will take care of you and put your needs first.

    There are both pros and cons for the two as listed below:


    (i)                 Pros of working under an agency

    ·         There is a set of people who watch out in favor of you always.

    ·         The client is screened before getting to you.

    ·         No need of marketing yourself, your clients comes through the agency.

    ·         Escort agencies work as a company; hence you’ll have a chance of interacting with other women and learn from them.

    (ii)               Cons of working under an agency.

    ·         Chennai escorts who work under an agency are forced to work almost every day whether willing or not.

    ·         Part of your money is taken by the agency.

    ·         There’s a set boss who gives you rules to be followed to the latter.

    (iii)             Pros of an independent escort

    ·         Independent escorts set their own process.

    ·         You keep all the money earned.

    ·         Independent escorts are free to pick day offs.

    ·         You have a choice of the client to work with.

    (iv)              Cons of an independent escort

    ·         Security of an independent escort is compromised.

    ·         Independent escorts market themselves.


    Original Source:- https://goo.gl/GrALcB

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